What Do You Get When You Mix Alcohol And a Narcissist? Pain!

The family members of alcoholic narcissists should receive support as well. They can talk to a therapist individually, or they can attend group sessions with people who have similar experiences. With that being all I will say about him, I wanted to write as I’m reading these posts and tell you that I cannot imagine whay you have lived for all of those years. Everything you are going through or now, have gone through hopefully a little bit more and into the healing was a direct plot by your best friend to sabotage your life so he was your only option. Aside from my rambling, I simply wanted to say I’m sorry for the life you have been forced to live.

This means that millions of people may have both conditions at once. Yet information about an alcoholic narcissist is not clear. With the narc off/on 6 yrs and then finally marrying him. Marriage counselor predicted 3 yrs ago – ” He is an attention whore. You may not want to divorce him now – but you may later.” Later came Had enough with the cheating – lies – betrayal – and all the BS in the World wasn’t going to make it go away. He was still “with” someone — but fabricated an entire story to keep me there.

In the end I went through all the possible scenarios in my head, trying to figure out how things could get better. All the scenarios ended in pain, I had tried everything and nothing worked. So I left, and the moment I did, I felt great relief. I knew after standing still in thick mud for many years, my life would go forward again. Again, I can’t thank you enough for helping me find my own strength through yours. Now hopefully I can continue down this path of healing.

alcoholic narcissist

As a result of self-centeredness and denial, alcoholics can behave in manipulative ways. Like narcissists, they may threaten harm to themselves or others if they don’t get what they want. They may pretend to be nice for a short while to get other people to leave them alone. Even if their behaviors hurt others, alcoholics do what they feel they need to continue drinking. Furthermore, alcoholic narcissist has an exceptionally difficult time admitting that they have a problem. In general, narcissists don’t like to accept responsibility for what they say and do.

Additional Facts About Alcoholism

Abuse can trigger anxious and nervous feelings that sometimes lead to physical symptoms. A partner using narcissistic manipulation might respond with extreme anger. They may respond with accusations of their own and redirect blame, saying things that are intended to hurt and belittle you.

alcoholic narcissist

“Hoovering,” as it’s often called, tends to work better when you lack support. You’re more likely to doubt your perceptions of the abuse when you can’t talk with anyone about it. They can often win support from your loved ones (who haven’t seen through the facade) by insisting they only have your best interests at heart. Then, when you try explaining the abuse, your loved ones might side with them.

Overlapping signs and symptoms

During that time, I began loosing myself in excessive spending developing credit card debt. It was horrible that this man could have so much control over me I was horrified, I hit rock bottom until I began to pray for truth and an answer. In time the answer was apparent that my husband of 31 plus years was committing adultery for most of the marriage. It took me years to recover I took my life back, started to rebuild my credit and took control over the finances. Its still burns, however the truth is literally freeing , I am finally recovering from all the years of bewilderment and abuse.

The ashes are ugly, and they will always have an effect on me and my boys lives. Avoiding shame drives much of narcissists’ behavior. Narcissists often shame others to cover their own inadequacies. For alcoholics, drinking numbs or masks the shame they carry. An alcoholic narcissist may drink heavily for multiple reasons.

  • You both need to create a new life where it is easier to not use alcohol or drugs.
  • There is evidence of a link between narcissism and addiction, but not all narcissists are addicts.
  • A person with NPD is not always capable of the reciprocity that is necessary for healthy relationships.
  • Along with emotionally or physically neglecting their loved ones, they sometimes commit physical abuse.

With dual diagnosis patients, it is always vital to obtain treatment for both disorders at the same time. For these reasons, alcoholics anonymouss need dual diagnosis care. For individuals with narcissists in their personal life, this can be extremely difficult and emotionally draining.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits

Understanding how these two separate disorders are similar may offer some insight into the type of addiction treatment that would be most beneficial. It’s not always obvious that there’s a narcissist in the mix, especially if he or she appears to be well-spoken and well-off; self-presentation goes a long way in fooling people. Your ex’s narcissistic tendencies, in fact, may only fully reveal themselves during the divorce process because it’s during conflict that the narcissist shows his or her true colors.

alcoholic narcissist

Many people with NPD have troubled personal relationships. They may be able to win friends and romantic partners alcohol can trigger headaches and migraines with charm and confidence. But they may show a lack of empathy that causes their relationships to deteriorate.

You will too as its never too late, do not despair. I am careful not to diagnose him with a personality disorder, particularly because when substance abuse muddies the water, it’s hard to know what really lies beneath it. However, if the shoe fits, sometimes a person just has to wear it, whether they want to or not. Recognize that people with personality disorders and addictions hold self-serving and distorted views of themselves and others that they are resistant to give up.

What should you not say to a narcissist?

He bullies me tells me he has the best lawyer and I will lose I need to reconsider. I’m taking my chances because lawyers still have to follow the law. A friend who was married 25 years to a drug addict said an marriage is doomed with alcoholic lung disease an addict. Also was advised that because these addicts have had YEARS of manipulations to get a therapist to help. You cant fight the emotional abuse if you dont know the game. I am in the process of filng a petition for divorce.

I pray it gets better for both of bus, but I fear it won’t. In which case, I pray we gain strength and wisdom through it and that we can somehow shield and protect our kids from it as much as possible. Its always good to know were not alone, but sad at the same time.

I hear noises in the night and I watch out windows. I finally called a couselor today and made an appointment. I have got to get my head out of my behind and survive. The emotions I have daily range from very good to very bad and while the roller coaster rode with him is over, I’m still riding it.

You have unexplained physical symptoms

By telling stories to your loved ones that twist the facts about your “harmful” or “unstable” behavior, the narcissist tries to discredit you. Even worse, when you react angrily (who wouldn’t?), they can use your response to back up their lies. People with narcissistic traits often need to maintain their image of perfection in order to keep earning admiration from others. Narcissistic manipulation and abuse are often subtle. In public, these behaviors might be so well disguised that others hear or see the same behaviors and fail to recognize them as abuse.

Sean O’Rourke
About Sean O’Rourke 242 Articles
Sean O’Rourke is a Cyber Liability Insurance (CLI) consultant for Combs & Company, a full service insurance brokerage firm headquartered in NYC. Sean works with small- and mid-sized businesses to mitigate the myriad of risks posed to their technology and data. Sean has worked in the technology arena for 20 years, so he has a unique approach when discussing the value of CLI to businesses. Sean can be reached at [email protected] or 646.736.3737.