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Dating German Ladies: Types and Stereotypes

by Sean O’Rourke in

When dating Western girls, it is important to be aware that these women are frequently subject to damaging prejudices because of their age, body type, social course, and ancestry. These women’s interactions and self-worth are [...]

Contributing Authors

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly


A Review of a Modern Day Think and Grow Rich

February 3, 2019

One of my favorite and most influential authors of our time is Jen Sincero. Her original book You Are A Badass sold 5 million copies and spoke mainly about breaking out of your shell to […]


3 Things Every Budding Entrepreneur Must Remember

January 8, 2017

Three Things Every Budding Entrepreneur Must Remember Congratulations, you’ve decided to be an entrepreneur! Whether you’ve planned and plotted extensively for this career, or only just stumbled on the road to entrepreneurship, welcome to This […]

Entrepreneurial Passion


Is it how you imagined?

January 31, 2017

It is for me. Although I know for hundreds I’ve been blessed to coach, that life as an entrepreneur can be a surprise. For some it’s the crazy hours they keep; or the challenges managing […]


Make a Big Deal When You Think Out of the Box

June 3, 2017

As a business owner, we want to be recognized by everyone from our colleagues, customers, and even our competitors. I WANT to make waves whenever I innovate and I usually make a big deal about […]