3 Handy Food Tips to Help With All-day Energy

It goes without saying that we all want energy.

For many though, having energy to burn – that’s not come from a bottomless coffee cup – is not a happening thing.

And I can definitely relate.

Studying for various finals during my late teens and early 20’s meant 15-20 coffees each 24hours.

Likewise my auxilliary nursing night shifts, to fund my way through college were sugar and coffee-infused experiences.

It wasn’t until I had my health-scare at 21 that I paused to reflect on how I was feeling. Was it right to feel chronically tired, for most of my nights to be lacking in quality sleep, to look lack-lustre and struggle to focus – let alone be productive?

And it was at this point that I dared to take a look at what I was doing.

I didn’t like what I saw.

So this is where the changes started. And where my Healthy LifeStyle Programs were born – from regulating our metabolic rate, balancing our hormones, and improving our productivity – to eating wellnaturally.

Talking of eating well – here are the 3 Handy Food Tips, to help keep you energized all day. They’re designed to help you skip those afternoon slumps and caffeine fixes.

  1. Low GIycaemic Index – this means slow burning.

Think of low GI foods as the log on the fire that keeps burning (rather than kindling that burns fast and then leaves us empty).

Popular examples include rice crackers with avocado, or nut butter – topped off with lettuce and tomato.

Or ½ a cup of steamed quinoa with veggies (green beans and sweetcorn work well) and grilled fish

Tip – it’s good to avoid the sugar-laden muffins, cakes, pies and even sushi!

  1. ‘Live’ is good – The lower the processed-factor of what we’re eating, and higher the level of natural nutrients; the more energy is available for us when we’ve digested it.

Tasty options include freshly peeled cucumber and carrot sticks with pre-soaked sunflower seeds and a couple of pre-soaked medjool dates.

Or half a cup of sprouted mung beans or lentils with a few pre-soaked raisins (stirring in some tahini is worth the experience!)

  1. Water-rich – this often means the foods are in their more natural state and nutrient-dense.

With the current intensity of farming and lack of nutrients in the soil where our foods are grown; we need all the help we can get when it comes to enzymes, phytochemicals, minerals, antioxidants and co-factors in our foods (before we even get to the proteins, carbs, fats and fiber).

Easy choices include quick salads (rocket makes a pleasant change as the base leaves) with pre-soaked almonds/walnuts and pinenuts and your usual favs of cucumber, tomato, peppers, lightly steamed broccoli.

Or half an apple or banana with a small handful of pre-soaked brazils or hazelnuts.

Take Away – Getting organized and having some new food options handy may not produce results on the first day – although you may be surprised at the results that can compound over time.

And of course I’d love to hear how you get on with these.

My gift to you – I’m jazzed that you’re taking steps with your health, so if you’d like your copy of the 3-minute Power Boost Green Smoothee, which is ideal as a meal or snack – just drop me a line at [email protected], with PBG Smoothee in the subject line – and it’s yours!

Fi Jamieson-Folland
About Fi Jamieson-Folland 462 Articles
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is a Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker, health mentor and Health Brand Ambassador. She loves to globe-trot with her husband Chris (NZ, USA, UK and Indonesia are current favourites) relishing an outdoor lifestyle and time with family and friends. See Fi in action: https://youtu.be/S5xU96gvpMQ